Schools' Day – Building a Legacy
Welcome to our schools' page! One of our aims for the conference was to build a lasting legacy that ensured that the spirit of the conference was firmly rooted in the next generation of young people. To achieve this, we invited all Church of England schools to participate in an ‘Environment Day’ on Thursday 17th September. We had a great response!
This website hosted all the resources and material that ensured that schools were able to participate in a challenging and fun day!
Primary School Plan
We invited all primary schools to participate by looking at the issue of Climate Change in light of the gospel hope of reconciliation. The resources centred on an eBook looking at the issues of Climate Change, which we encouraged teachers to study with pupils at the beginning part of the Environment Day.
The afternoon resources concentrated on pupils giving a response to the question, ‘What do you want our world to look like in 40 years’ time?’ The downloadable resources (still available on this site) encouraged pupils to respond using a wide-range of mediums – paintings, poems, letters, vox pops, etc..
We received some excellent and challenging responses. These were collected and formed part of the displays during the conference. See below, for samples.
Primary School Resources
Powerpoint: Hope for our Earth
PDF: Writing Sheet HA
PDF: Writing-Sheet-MA.pdf
Secondary School Plan
The stimulus for the Environment Day for Secondary Schools was to look at the topic: 'How do you make a Decision?' when responding to an environmental disaster. See below for resources.
The afternoon resources concentrated on pupils giving a response to the question, ‘What do you want our world to look like in 40 years’ time?’
Again we received some great and challenging responses and these also formed part of the displays during the conference.
Secondary School Resources
Powerpoint: How do you make a Decision
PDF: Schemes of Work
Responding to the conference - a legacy for the future
Perhaps you were unable to participate this year - but why not use the resources with your school over the coming year anyway.
'Its in your hands...'
'Home schools learning about ocean resources'
'Its our responsibility ..... we need to ... please try ...please help'