Environmental issues affect the stability and integrity of God’s earth. This conference was designed to challenge and equip the church for its mission to care and protect the world entrusted to us. Our aim was to respond to stories of hope that will equip and inspire us, with delegates able to contribute and participate by discussing these in their pre-selected conference stream, leading to ideas and statements to be presented in plenary session.
The conference was not a series of lectures outlining the basic problems facing us. Instead, we hoped that participants would come already well informed about the major issues and able to participate actively in their discussion stream. These resources were designed to help them in their preparation, where needed and are as relevant now, now that the conference is over, as before:
Key Texts:
Robert S. White, ed. (2009) Creation in Crisis: Christian Perspectives on Sustainability SPCK
Margot R.Hodson & Martin J. Hodson (2015) A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues BRF
Richard Bauckham (2010) The Bible and Ecology: Rediscovering the Community of Creation DLT Books
Martin J. Hodson & Margot R. Hodson (2008) Cherishing the Earth: How to care for God's Creation Monarch Books
Bishop James Jones (2003) Jesus and the Earth SPCK
Ruth Valerio (2008) L is for Lifestyle: Christian Living that Doesn't Cost the Earth IVP
Grove Booklets:
E177 Martin & Margot Hodson (2015) The Ethics of Climate Scepticism
E169 Paul Ede (2013) Urban Eco-Mission: Healing the Land in the Post-industrial City
E165 Robert D Sluka (2012) Hope for the Ocean: Marine Conservation, Poverty Alleviation and Blessing for the Nations
E161 Margot R Hodson (2011) Uncovering Isaiah's Environmental Ethics
E149 Stella Simiyu & Peter Harris (2008) Caring for Creation: Part of our Gospel Calling?
E148 Iain Provan (2008) Tenants in God's Land: Earth-keeping and People-keeping in the Old Testament
E126 Peter S Heslam (2002) Globalization: Unravelling the New Capitalism
B50 Hilary Marlow (2008) The Earth is the Lord's: A Biblical Response to Environmental Issues
B11 N T Wright (1999) New Heavens, New Earth: The Biblical Picture of the Christian Hope
Other recommended titles:
Atkinson, Bishop David (2015) Climate Change and the Gospel Download here
Berry, R.J., ed. (2000) The Care of Creation IVP
Berry, R.J. (2011) Ecology and the Environment Templeton Press
Bookless, Dave (2008) Planetwise IVP
Bookless, Dave (2010) God doesn't do waste IVP
Bookless, Dave (2014) 'Let everything that has breath praise the Lord'
Houghton, Sir John (2009) Why care for the environment Faraday paper No. 5 (4 pages downloadable from EN.pdf )
Houghton, Sir John (2015) Global Warming: The Complete Briefing Fifth Edition Cambridge University Press
Hulme, Mike (2009) Why we disagree about Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity Cambridge University Press
Jackson, Tim (2009) Prosperity without Growth Routledge
Lester, Eloise E., ed. (1975) Ecology and Christian Responsibility The Community of the Cross of Nails, Coventry Cathedral
Mackay, David J.C. (2009) Sustainable Energy - without the Hot Air UIT Cambridge Ltd. (
Moo, Jonathan & White, Robert (2013) Hope in an Age of Despair: the gospel and the future of the earth IVP
Northcott, Michael S. (2007) A Moral Climate: the ethics of global warming DLT Books
Rosenzweig, Michael L. (2003) Win-Win Ecology Oxford University Press
Spencer, Nick & White, Robert (2007) Christianity, Climate Change and Sustainable Living SPCK
Stuart, Tristram (2009) Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal Penguin
Valerio, Ruth (2008) Environment CWR
Reconciliation Ecology
Reconciliation Ecology (Rosenzweig, 2003) seeks ways to share our habitats deliberately with other species as a way of helping to avoid impending mass extinction.
Exhibition Stands
A Rocha (UK)
A Rocha UK: EcoCongregations
The Arthur Rank Centre
Chase Africa
Christian Aid
Christians in Science
Climate Stewards
The Farming Community Network
Green Christian
Hope for the Future
The John Ray Initiative
Operation Noah
Practical Action
Pray and Fast for the Climate
Shrinking the Footprint
Other Links
European Christian Environmental Network
The Rubbish Diet
WWF (Living Planet Report 2014)
Making Space for Nature (Pete Brotherton)
The Church and the Earth 2009-2016